About Us
Short Story
About Colocation.GReen
COLOCATION.GREEN is nothing less than the attempt to create the best data center in the world. Sure everybody claims that so here is how we measure our standards and explain, what we mean by “best”.
We believe there is no alternative to 100% renewable energy to sustain our planet for humanity. In fact, we have achieved this locally in the County of Nordfriesland were are exporting massive amounts of wind energy to the rest of Germany and Europe. Having our data center build in this region and being connected to the largest wind farm of that region allows us to certify for 100% renewable energy. Not by CO2 compensation, but by actually using green energy.
Your Data and IT Application is the single most valuable asset a company can have. We, therefore, go the extra mile to ensure it is in a protected space and cannot be impacted by any event, internal or external. We are working from the start to have the DIN ISO 27001 ab EN50600 certification to document to you our efforts.
Being connected to a wind farm grid and the public grid and in close proximity to the trans-Scandinavian glass fiber routes enable us to provide more redundant paths for our critical data center connections. Being not in Frankfurt is for our data center an advantage since we can route traffic through less crowded routes, e.g. the US and Asia.
Our modular data center concept allows for a wide range of Technology. We do not run one single data center building, but different modules for different HPC or Business IT technologies. We can accommodate all levels of air, water or immersed cooling systems.
High energy cost due to grid fee and the renewable energy surcharge is the biggest limitation for data center growth in Germany. We fixed it. Further, we run our data centers very efficient. With PUE’s as low as 1.05.
Most existing data centers face tremendous difficulties to grow in their existing locations because they are traditionally often located in Metropol areas. They run out of space and power connectivity quickly, while facing additional requirements such as limitations on heat emitted per square meter.
COLOCATION.GREEN is connected directly to one of the largest wind farms in North Germany with over 250+ MW installed capacity and with plenty of commercial areas to build Hyperscale data centers or Exascale HPC Clusters.
COLOCATION.GREEN is a product of North-Tec Industry.
How we got here:
Getting a data center of the ground is not an easy task, especially in a rural area. We are lucky to have the experience in our team to have build and established two data center locations in North Germany already. However those lack one common trade, they do not yet run only on renewable energy.
COLOCATION.GREEN is the first time a data center is directly powered by renewable wind energy.
The main difference to all other data center providers in Germany is that they try to create green energy “feeling” by compensating their energy consumption through CO2 certificates. This is unfortunately not a very effective way to safe C02. We, however, can certify the concrete CO2 savings compared to energy consumption through the national grid.

Not Convinced Yet?
Why Choose Us
There a major reasons for us, there are minor reasons for us. There is just little to no argument against us. Let’s discuss.
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CO2 Neutral
Data Centers globally emitt more C02 than the Germany as a country. These CO2 emissions are rapidly growing! We are can certify our CO2 savings for our Energy.
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COST competetive, like no other
Cost of energy is the main limiting factor for data center growth in Germany. We fixed it.
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HPC and Data Center technology is a fast growing eco system. We created a modular system to host all IT systems at the maximum efficiency.
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Being supplied by one of the largest wind farms in Germany allows us to think big. You need Hyperscale Data Centers, fine. Do you want to to deploy an Exascale HPC cluster, no problem.
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Support & Service
We are here for you and your applikations. Need us to support you for Application Design and Architectures, we are more than happy to help. Remote hands 24/7 to ensure your uptime. Always our pleasure.
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Founding Team